Special: California Condor & The Grand Canyon - Californische Condor & De Grand Canyon
Een Grote Schaduw over je heen terwijl je in de Grand Canyon rondloopt. Ontmoet de Californische Condor - A Large Shadow over you as you walk around the Grand Canyon. Meet the California Condor If you walk around in the Grand Canyon, a giant shadow may fall over you, which is probably not from a cloud but from the California Condor. The story of the Californian Condor. The Californian condor is a rare and highly threatened bird. Grand Canyon National Park is an important refuge for California condors and one of the best places on earth to see them in the wild. They are the largest flying birds in North America. The birds are very good gliders, who spend a lot of time high up in the air, from where they search for cadavers. They have a wingspan of about 120 inches, sitting they are approximately at waist height 47-51 inches high and can weigh up to 22-24 lb. They can reach an age of 60 years and belong to the vulture family. The Californian c...